Volume 1, Issue.1, Pp47-52, 2018ROLE OF RETENTION OF THE CONDYLARCARTILAGE IN OPEN TREATMENT OFINTRACAPSULAR CONDYLAR FRACTURES:HISTOPATHOLOGICAL OBSERVATION Abstract: Our aim was to investigate the role of retention of the condylar cartilagein open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) of intracapsular condylar fractures(ICFs) in growing goat’s by histopathological observation. Twelve goats 6 monthsold were randomly divided into three groups. ICFs were created bilaterally inmandibular condyles and treated with ORIF. On the one side (n= 4) the condylarcartilage was removed, and on the other side (n = 4) it was retained. Condyles in thecontrol group (n = 4) were untouched. Experimental animals were sacrificed at thefollowing intervals, 3 months and 6 months postoperatively. Specimens wereharvested for tissue slice observation. Tissue slices of the condyles with the articularcartilage retained showed a normal TMJ structure and no differences with thenormal condylar tissue structures. The basic structures of cartilage layer of thecondyle with articular cartilage removed disappeared. The surface of mature bonetissue of the condyle directly connected with fibrous tissue of the articular disc. Theresults of this study suggest that retaining condylar cartilage in the ORIF for ICF ofgrowing goats has no harmful effect on condylar growth, but removal can lead tothe articular disc adhesion and limit growth. Keywords: Intracapsular condylar fracture; Open reduction and internal fixation;Temporomandibular joint; Growing goat |