Acta Translational Medicine

Volume 1, Issue.1, Pp19-34, 2018


Abstract: Methods: Immunhistochemical Ultra SensitiveTM S-P method wasemployed to detect the expression of Survivin and VEGF in 334 cases including60 cases of UDH, 57 cases of atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH), 89 cases ofductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) and 128 cases invasive ductal carcinomas (IDC).The multiple biological parameters including the tumor size, grade, Lymph nodestatus, tumor metastasis and stage were compared with and investigate theassociations of Survivin and VEGF expressions in breast carcinoma. Results: ⑴Survivin was maily distributed in cytoplasm in UDH, but also distributed innucleus and cytoplasm in IDC, DCIS and ADH mammary tissues .⑵ The positiverates of Survivin and VEGF in IDC were 67.2% and 68.8%, in DCIS were 59.6%and 44.9%, in ADH were 57.9% and 36.8%, and in UDH tissues were 1.7% and20.0%. Compaired with UDH tissues group, there were significant differences ofthe positive rates of Survivin and VEGF in IDC (χ2=70.540, P=0.000; χ2=38.993,P=0.000), DCIS (χ2=51.967, P=0.000; χ2=9.815, P=0.002) and ADH(χ2=42.829,P=0.000; χ2=4.095,P=0.043) group, P<0.05, respectively. There weresignificant differences in the positive expression rates of VEGF between DCISand IDC (χ2=12.298,P=0.001), ADH and IDC (χ2=16.589, P=0.000), however,there were no significant differences of Survivin expression between IDC andDCIS (χ2=1.330,P=0.249), IDC and ADH tissue (χ2=1.484,P=0.223). Positiveexpression rates of Survivin and VEGF were found no significant between ADHand DCIS tissue (χ2=0.039, P=0.0843; χ2=0.938, P=0.333). ⑶There was positivecorrelation in over-expressions of Survivin and VEGF with histological grade(χ2=10.631, 12.412), lymph node metastasis (χ2=8.135, 7.677), distant metastasis(χ2=17.732, 7.621) and stage (χ2=6.992, 21.211) of IDC tumor. ⑷ The expressionof VEGF was correlated positively with Survivin (r=0. 211, P=0.017). Conclusion:The results demonstrate that Survivin location changes from cell plasma to cellnucleus might participate in oncogenesis and development of breast cancer. Theover-expression of Survivin and VEGF might be important biological markers forinvasion and metastasis of breast invasive carcinomas. The combined detaction ofSurvivin and VEGF are the predictors for prognosis of breast carcinoma.

Keywords: Breast cancer, Survivin, vascular endothelial growthfactor,immunohistochemical, clinic, pathology